Personal accounts of wartime experiences.

For some 28 years now I have been gathering the personal stories of airmen and women who were trained at or served at the three South Lakeland airfields, RAF Millom, RAF WALNEY and RAF Cark. Some of these stories appear in my previous books; however, this present compilation is comprised of new and unpublished material. Having reached the 75th anniversary of VE Day, it is timely surely that the voices of our RAF veterans are heard in their own words. Within these pages you will find accounts of service life which range from the humorous to the tragic, some short and some much more comprehensive but all given first hand. Like our first world war Tommies, their number is marching quietly into history having helped bring about that significant and hard-won victory over Hitlers Nazis in 1945.

Listen then as our veterans recount for you bombing raids over occupied territory, being shot down and evading the Germans, ditching in the Irish sea, surviving crashes in the mountains, breaking into the stations’ mess bar and drinking the beer but also the horrors of Auschwitz and the death march.

Many of these stories will remain with you long after you put down this book, this material was placed in my hands by some of the most courageous, generous and kind-natured people it has ever been my good fortune to meet, and it is timely on this 75th anniversary of the end of WWII that their voices be heard.



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